Alternative News


Revolving Door

June 2008 | Times Publications

Arizona’s number of repeat offenders has been one of the highest in the nation. A 2008 budget crisis meant the problem could’ve gotten even worse.

“In a few months Diana Yeghoian expects to be a free woman. Incarcerated at the Arizona State Prison Complex at Perryville since Nov. 2004, Yeghoian, 35, says that’s when the real challenge will begin – staying clear of the lifestyle that led her here. With large brown eyes and a warm smile, Yeghoian looks nothing like the typical drug felon, but an orange prison uniform offers testimony to a dangerous life as a drug dealer, a life she now believes made landing in prison inevitable.”

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Young and Homeless

Aug. 2006 | College Times

Just before the ban on squatting on Mill Avenue, I followed one of these “Mill Rats” for a night of adventure.

“I look at the rapidly moving stream of filthy water that Webb, a 19-year-old homeless youth and my guide for the evening, is urging me to cross. The water swirls around two half-submerged , moss-and-mud-covered shopping carts and various pieces of lumber and branches strung together to form a piecemeal bridge across the canal. It is a clear night. A bright moon reflects on the water, illuminating where I stand. Minutes earlier, Webb jimmied open a gate that prevented access to the canal bank so we could pass.”

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